Zee.Dog Neopro Bubblegum Leash

The Zee.Dog Neopro Bubblegum Leash was built with a NeoPro™ rubber overlay that protects the Poliester making it extremely weather proof and super easy to clean
Price PLN110.78

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About this item

The Zee.Dog Neopro Bubblegum Leash was built with a NeoPro™ rubber overlay that protects the Poliester making it extremely weather proof and super easy to clean and maintain. The hook (sizes L and S) has a screw lock for extreme safety when walking your dog.
- XS 1 cm
- S 1,5 cm
- L 2,5 cm

- XS 1,20 m
- S 1,20 m
- L 1,20 m

Our veterinarian team:

  • Dr. Diana Meireles
  • Dr. Manuela Araujo