Dashi Bamboo Pad

Dashi Bamboo Pads are high absorption pads up to 2 liters of capacity, for dogs. The fast absorption allows to don't leave stains in the floor and the bamboo charcoal cleans the bad smells.
Price PLN63.68

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About this item


Dashi Bamboo Pads are high absorption pads up to 2 liters of capacity, for dogs. The fast absorption allows to don't leave stains in the floor and the bamboo charcoal cleans the bad smells.

Composition: Non-woven fabric, Paper, PE Film, Bamboo Charcoal, Cellulose, HSE Antibacterial (contains natural tea tree oil), SAP.

The product is available in following sizes:


  • S: 60 CM
  • L: 60 CM


  • S: 40 CM
  • L: 80 CM


  • S: 1 LITER
  • L: 2 LITERS

Our veterinarian team:

  • Dr. Diana Meireles
  • Dr. Manuela Araujo